Join the Ames PTA!

Download the 2018 membership form and return to Ames in an envelope marked ‘Ames PTA – Membership’.

We provide financial support by working with AMES staff to ensure that all our kids have the resources and materials they need. We offer fundraising events such as Charleston Wrap, Spirit Wear, Book Fairs, Box Tops, Amazon Smile, as well as other events during the year. We have a strong presence in our school. Events planned and staffed by our PTA volunteers include: Family Movie Night, Fun Lunch, Family Dance, Science Fair, Family Heritage Night, Field Day, Talent Show, and much more!

  • We need parent volunteers like you to make our PTA work! We encourage you to join today. No matter what your schedule is like, we can always use some help!! Its easy to get involved:

Step 1: Turn in membership form below along with payment or visit to pay online

Step 2: Sign up for Feedblitz at to receive important information (email provided on membership form will automatically be signed up for Feedblitz)

Step 3: Attend AMES PTA meetings and volunteer!!

Questions?? Contact Domenica Jimenez at or Susan Wolfe at

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