Thank you for your amazing efforts at selling tickets for the BBQ dinner. You have sold over 300 tickets! Now, we need to make sure that we have enough helpers to serve over 300 meals in 2 hours. In order to help with this effort, we would like to invite all 4th and 5th graders to help staff this event. 3rd graders can also get in on the fun as long as they have a parent helper with them. Why should the 5th graders have all the fun? And parents, please don’t feel left out. We need your help too! Although we all know that Ames students are the best, they do still occasionally require a little guidance. If you don’t see any openings for parent volunteers on the sign up, please just sign up in a student spot.

Every year the PTA has a fundraising goal of $20,000 which is used to sponsor field trips, student assemblies, artist in residence, and many more activities. We want to continue to make sure that these programs are accessible to all of our students. This dinner is an excellent opportunity for our students to get actively involved in achieving these goals.

Please go to to reserve your volunteer spot. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Debbie Kummer at or 708-263-7646. Thank you in advance for all that you do.

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