Dear Parent and Guardians,

The Science in a Bag program is about to begin at Ames School. The program is an excellent opportunity for children and parents to interact academically and increase your child’s scientific literacy. Take time to enjoy this positive learning experience in the comfort of your home and encourage your student’s natural curiosity about the word and its wonders. Each experiment explores a different scientific focus such as Chemistry or Physics. These experiments can be helpful for your child to start thinking about the Ames Spring Science Fair. This is an optional program and separate from the Science Fair but a great way to lead up to the Halloween Program and Science Fair.

Here is how the program will work:

– Starting Thursday October 12, each 3rd, 4th and 5th grader will be able to check out a science experiment in a bag after turning in a signed permission slip. Inside each bag are 1) experiment instructions, 2) a worksheet to be completed by the student and signed by you and 3) some items needed that are not usually found at home. You will provide a few consumable items needed for the experiment.

– Parent volunteers will sign out experiment bags in the Library before school (8:00-8:10am) on Thursdays for 4 weeks (October 12, 19, 26, and November 2).

– The bag, non-consumable items provided in the bag and the completed worksheet must be returned by the following Tuesday in the class bins located in the main hallway outside the Library.

This is very important as supplies are limited and re-used by another student. There are no right or wrong answers to the experiments and although they all have been previously tested sometimes they don’t work (there are many variables). The goal is completion, working through the scientific method (problem, hypothesis, experiment, observation, and conclusion), parent-child interaction and having FUN with science! There are a total of 4 experiments to be completed and upon completion of all 4 your student will be recognized for this achievement. Thanks in advance to all parent volunteers helping this program! If you have any questions, please contact me at and have fun!

Katie Kowal

Science in a Bag Coordinator

science in a bag

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